Finance Update

Please find below a transcript of the finance update given in church in November:

Since giving Sunday we have had a number of substantive one off donations, increases in regular giving and some new givers.

From the £21,000 deficit we were projecting for the year in October, we now have a surplus. All our expenditure for the year is now covered, praise the Lord!

I believe I have thanked everyone but thank you again to everyone who has enabled this to happen. It has been very exciting to receive responses over the last month and see our income increasing, hence the little dance that Jon was referring to!

We still have a month or so to go to year end and will report on the final 2023 figures in due course.

We would like to say thank you to you all as well as well as Thank You Lord.

We, the PCC, the trustees of St Peters, are meeting tomorrow night to review before God and approve where appropriate the budgets for spending based on expected income for 2024.  As things stand, we still are not looking a budget surplus for 2024, but another budget deficit.  We cannot get complacent.  One off donations were a primary reason as to why we managed to achieve a likely budget surplus for 2023.  However, these are difficult to predict and it would be great if our regular monthly tithing was increased to properly sustain our Vision and Mission here at St Peters.  Please be praying about that and be praying for the PCC to have wisdom tomorrow.

Let’s give thanks.

 Lord I want to thank you for who you are, the way that you care for us, and love to give us surprises.  Help us not to get complacent when things are going well, but help us to choose to continue to keep the focus on you and hear what you are saying to us.  Bless your Holy Name. Amen.


Building project update


Finance Update October 2023