Throughout 2020 as a church we spent time praying and seeking God's heart. We asked God what He wanted us to do and who He wanted us to become. We asked God to complete the sentence, 'St Peter's exists to...' And we believe God has spoken. We are so excited to share our new vision for the next 5 years.
When launching the vision of St Peter’s in 2020 we committed to praying the ‘vision prayer’ together as a church. As we begin the year 2024 we want to ask everyone to recommit to praying this prayer, seeking God for how you will play your part in serving God and His vision for St Peter’s.
Our Father in heaven, set our hearts on fire with love for you. Fill us with your love for Loudwater and our communities. Empower us to demonstrate the love of Jesus with words and actions. By your spirit, help me to be a source of spiritual hope, practical help and authentic community to each person I encounter today. In and through me, may your kingdom come and your will be done. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Five Ministry Priorities
Our mission is to Love God and Love Loudwater. Our vision is to demonstrate the love of Jesus by being a source of spiritual hope, practical help and authentic community. We have identified 5 Ministry Priorities where we believe God has called us to invest in and we are excited to see growth in these five areas!
What we are like when we are at our best