At St Peter's we want to be a Church who pray expectantly.
During the season of Lent we are asking every member of our church family to commit to praying and/or fasting for one day every week (not sure about fasting? Join the fasting course!). That means a commitment of 7 days of praying and fasting between now and Easter. By committing to pray expectantly for St Peter's you're joining in with our vision to Love God and Love Loudwater!
We've made a prayer guide to help you as you pray over the next month, download it here. You could also join a short zoom prayer meeting on Thursdays from 7 - 7:30pm, starting on 6th March. Dates and zoom links available below.
Once a month on Sundays at 6pm we host Prayer and Praise. Each service has a different focus but there is always time to pray for our church vision and praise God for all her is doing. Check out upcoming dates below.
Our prayer room is open weekdays from 10am - 1pm and on Sunday mornings before and after the service. We've created a space which will be a boiler room of expectant prayer, where all of our ministries and activities can be under pinned in prayer.
If you want to book out the prayer room for either a prayer meeting or time of personal prayer outside of its usual opening times then please contact the church office.
If you would like someone to pray with then please contact our pastoral care team who would be happy to meet with you.