5 mission priority prayer points for 2023

On Sunday 8th January we had our first Vision Prayer afternoon. The focus of our time together was to pray for our 5 ministry priorities. Let’s keep pressing into God and praying for St Peter’s and ourselves in 2023.

Worshipping Communities:

  1. Give thanks for all those who serve on teams on Sundays

  2. Appointment of our new Worship Pastor

  3. For any visitors on Sundays to feel welcomed and connected into our Church family

  4. Possible new congregations launching with different styles of worship; more traditional/informal to attract new people

Kids, Youth and Families

  1. Grant applications to support the ongoing financial needs of all of our existing groups

  2. New members to join the Youth team

  3. Boldness for the team who serve at all of our groups to share their own faith with those we have regular contact with

  4. Protection for all of our teams health


  1. For health and well-being of Young at Heart members and team.

  2. New team members to help serve on Tuesdays

  3. To Increase membership by positive word of mouth from current members

  4. Positive take up of new activities planned for 2023

  5. All those who attended seniors alpha course to deepen their faith and to run another course this year

  6. Successful application of grants to facilitate summer outings

Love Loudwater

  1. For our local community, shops, schools, pre-schools and businesses

  2. Those accessing Love Loudwater’s services

  3. To identify and get help to those in real need, where possible

  4. For all of the Love Loudwater initiates; CAP, Baby Bank, School Supplies Project, Holiday Lunch Club, Practical Support, One Can Trust


  1. For us each to embody the values of St Peter’s and grow as disciples in 2023.

    Expectant prayer

    Generous giving

    Loving family

    Humble service

    Courageous mission

    Determined discipleship

    Passionate worship

Join us on Sunday 15th or 22nd from 4-5pm as we continue praying for the year ahead.


Praying for Loudwater


Vision Prayer